TC Gazette, July-August 2021
This month’s gazette is available to be downloaded by clicking this link.
NEW SERVICE ROTA – Trentcliffe Group February – July 2022
2 10:30am ZOOM Morning Prayer Wednesday – The Presentation (Candlemas)
6 10:30am ZOOM Morning Prayer 4th before Lent – Octagesima
13 10:30am Blyton Eucharist 3rd before Lent – Septuagesima
20 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer 2nd before Lent – Sexagesima
27 10:30am Willoughton Eucharist Next before Lent – Quinquagesima
MARCH 2022
2 10:30am Blyton Holy Communion Ash Wednesday
2 7:30pm Hemswell Holy Communion Ash Wednesday
6 10:30am ZOOM Morning Prayer 1st of Lent
9 10:30am ZOOM Morning Prayer Wednesday
13 10:30am Laughton Eucharist 2nd of Lent
16 10:30am ZOOM Morning Prayer Wednesday
20 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer 3rd of Lent
23 10:30am ZOOM Morning Prayer Wednesday
27 10:30am Blyborough Eucharist 4th of Lent – Mothering Sunday
30 10:30am ZOOM Morning Prayer Wednesday
3 10:30am Glentworth Eucharist 5th of Lent (Passion Sunday)
Holy Week
10 10:30am East Stockwith Eucharist Palm Sunday
11 9:30am Blyton Morning Prayer Monday in Holy Week
12 11:00am Lincoln Cathedral Chrism Eucharist Tuesday in Holy Week
13 9:30am Blyton Morning Prayer Wednesday in Holy Week
14 7:30pm Willoughton Eucharist Maundy Thursday
15 2:00pm Blyborough Liturgy of Good Friday Good Friday
16 7:00pm Laughton Easter Vigil Holy Saturday
17 10:30am Hemswell Eucharist Easter Day
24 10:30am Blyton Eucharist 2nd of Easter (Low Sunday)
1 10:30am Willoughton Eucharist 3rd of Easter
1 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer 3rd of Easter
8 10:30am Laughton Eucharist 4th of Easter
15 10:30am Blyborough Eucharist 5th of Easter
15 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer 5th of Easter
22 10:30am Hemswell Eucharist 6th of Easter (Rogation Sunday)
26 7:30pm East Stockwith Eucharist ASCENSION DAY
29 10:30am Glentworth Eucharist 7th of Easter
5 10:30am Blyton Eucharist PENTECOSTE (Whitsunday)
12 10:30am Willoughton Eucharist Holy Trinity
12 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer Holy Trinity
19 10:30am Laughton Eucharist 1st after Trinity
26 10: 30am Blyborough Eucharist 2nd after Trinity
26 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer 2nd after Trinity
3 10:30am Glentworth Eucharist 3rd after Trinity
10 10:30am East Stockwith Eucharist 4th after Trinity
10 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer 4th after Trinity
17 10:30am Hemswell Eucharist 5th after Trinity
24 10:30am Blyton Eucharist 6th after Trinity
24 6:00pm ZOOM Evening Prayer 6th after Trinity
31 10:30am Willoughton Eucharist 7th after Trinity
ZOOM indicates online worship. If you would like to be included, please email and the link will be set to your email address along with notices for that week’s worship. Worship Booklets are also available for ZOOM services and can be sent through the post or by email.
Mark Briscoe – Vicar 01427 629105
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